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You're Invited to Meet Us in St. Louis? 

What's this all about? We're Glad You Asked!

Come with us on a journey to discover that God is lifting the veil off 118 years of history In St. Louis, MO that is likely to impact much of the United States of America and beyond.

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St. Louis ("Live" In-Person Schedule)

If you are in the St. Louis area and would like to participate in "live events" you are welcome to join us on location, the current schedule is as follows: 

Feast of Tabernacles - Sukkot Services- Sunday, October 9th to Monday 17th

Location: St. Louis - Lindell Field Forrest Park


Daytime Services: Begins Sunday, October 9th - 16th, 10 am - 7 pm, CST,  Prayer, Torah Readings, and Worship AS ONE

Evening Services: October 9th - 16th, 7 pm -10 pm, CST

Shabbat Service & Meal: Friday, October 14th begins at 6:30 pm

* Please bring a dish to share 

Last Great Day of the Feast: Monday, October 17th, 10 am to 1 pm

Meet us in St. Louis as we prepare and rehearse for the ultimate RETURN of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ when we will ALL TABERNACLE AS ONE in JERUSALEM.

Learn More 

Invest the time to watch these videos. This has been a journey of repentance from the Nile to the Mississippi River leading now to Tabernacle AS ONE in St. Louis with the opportunity to gather AS ONE with Israel, and experience Jesus in His appointed times and seasons. 

Spiritual Warfare Battle Briefing

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