Shalom AOP Watchmen,
Next Tuesday through Friday (May 10-13th) the Altar of Prayer will have a physical location, a tent during a ministry convergence called The Flood to bring worship and 24/7 intercession onto the former property of Harry S. Truman, the 33rd President of the United States. On the final day of the event, May 14th there will be a convergence of ministries at Arrowhead Stadium for The Send with over 70,000 believers. Truman was used by God as a political intercessor to establish the state of Israel on May 14, 1948. Now, 74 years later in the 888th month and anniversary of that very day and as a result of a confirmed prophetic word given in 1983 to Bob Jones, we believe the Lord is birthing a movement by His Spirit from this land to raise 100 million intercessors for Israel and His kingdom purposes.
The Lord has entrusted AOP and its faithful watchmen with a key role in this historic event as we combine the virtual Altar with in-person worship and intercession live streaming from the Truman land 24/7. We would like to take a moment to explain a few adjustments that will be made to the schedule.
First, it is important to note that the virtual AOP will remain the same in terms of your 3-hour watch, its leaders, and all participants as your continued support and/or leadership will be vital during this time.
There will be certain hours that AOP, Kansas City will host “live” during the primary daylight hours in the tent. Due to a city noise ordinance, we will rely on the virtual platform to maintain the entire watch as normal during evening hours in KC with the understanding that your watch may have many live participants from the tent around the clock and will still be streaming into the tent on the Truman property. That said, we would also request that watch leaders remain flexible to allow random worship or intercession to come into the watch. For instance, there may be someone in the tent during midnight hours who has a guitar and wants to lead worship softly.
For many coming into the tent, this may be their first opportunity to experience and participate in corporate intercession. Therefore, we would like to ensure that we all come prepared in the Spirit with clean hands and pure hearts as we seek the Lord for His will to be done and allow our example to become a testimony to those the Lord will be speaking to.
A new position has been created for the duration of these 4 days which we will refer to as a Mediator. This person will be overseeing AOP online activity (in addition to the usual Firekeepers) and working as a liaison behind the scenes between the watch leaders and the on-the-ground tent manager. The communication with the mediator should take place primarily in the chat or via cell phone as we prefer to keep the programming and technical aspect behind the scenes as much as possible.
Below you will find the schedule which will indicate the times when the Altar of Prayer will be hosted live from the tent. During this time, we would ask the usual watch leaders to allow those in Kansas City to lead the watch. However, in the event of unforeseen circumstances or technical difficulties we request that the usual watch leaders be prepared and online to maintain the watch if necessary as we know we are entrusted to keep the fire on the Altar burning at all times. It must never go out.
**Kansas City local time is based on Central time. The schedule is shown in both Central and the corresponding Eastern Standard Time.
This schedule applies to all 4 days May 10, 11, 12, and 13th